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Analysis, coaching and training plan
Have you been to other dog schools and not been successful?
I work daily with dogs of different breeds (young or old) and also help successfully where hope has almost been given up.
your dog will pull on the leash when it sees a fellow dog or something else of interest
your dog is not reliably available
your dog cannot relax
destructiveness, control and conflicts in the household
barking at doorbells and/or in the garden
In the 1-day coaching I look at you and your dog holistically and guide you to learn and understand the species-appropriate communication of dogs and thus create the basis for a relaxed human dog team. A maximum of 3 human-dog teams.
290,00 €
(2ter Hund von der gleichen Person geführt, wird mit 50% berechnet
An- und Abfahrt: Ab dem 15ten km werden 0,50€/km berechnet)
Bitte Wunschtermin / Uhrzeit angeben
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